Wednesday, June 18, 2008

On track with WOD

5 rounds timed:

12 shoulder press (round 1 35 lbs, round 2-4 24 lbs)
12 back extensions (on a stability ball)

Time: 9:41

XT: 30 min bike and softball tonight

My PF is aggrevated today. I am trying the trigger point foot baller:

I have heard good things about it from fellow runners and one of the running store guys worked it for me last night and it hurt so good.

Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Yeah crossfit! and a 5 mile jog

So I ended up biking around yesterday and doing errands, followed by an emergency garage cleaning because a table broke and spilled stuff all over our cars, so I didn't get the WOD in yesterday nor my run. I figured that was ok since cleaning the garage involved doing cleans, ironically, as I lifted stuff up and over my head to put on shelves. I also gardened, pulled weeds, and planted, so it was an active day.

To make up for yesterdays slacking, I did the big dog version of Mondays workout. It went something like this:

50 sit ups
50 dbl unders (single for me since I am hopelessly uncoordinated)
50 sit ups
50 walking lunges
50 sit ups
50 burpees
50 sit ups

Time: 21:51 The burpees kill my time because I am bad at them and they make me dizzy if I do too many in a row fast.

This evening, I led a 5 mile training run for the 10 min pace group. I am a faster runner than this, so it was somewhat challenging to run slow and keep pace. We did 4 x 200m pickups at what was my normal pace, challenging for my group. It was a lot of fun! Its hard to judge if people are enjoying themselves, but apparently one girl in my group told Michelle (another pacer for 9 min) that she liked having me as a pace leader. Too bad I'm only subbing on Tuesdays! If she comes to Saturday morning runs she will have me then.

Sunday, June 15, 2008

Catch up is the name of the game!

When it rains it pours...and I'm not referring to our weather!! I got caught up in the last few weeks of school and de-crossfitted if you will. Not on purpose, I just was up till midnight every night and couldn't get my buttsky out of bed. Like Katie sez, when you say 5 more minutes you've already lost...

That being said, I have been running more with less pain in the foot. Which is good because marathon training starts tomorrow!! I've decided that I am going to CF 3 days per week in the am with running in the pm or vice versa depending on temperature. I believe I will have access to the little gym at my school over the summer. Its somewhat removed from the main building and shouldn't be affected by the construction of the summer.

So to summarize, the summer program will be running on M, T, Th, F, Sat. Crossfit M, W, F. Maybe some swimming or biking on Wed as well. Sundays are fundays. I am also going to do this darn eating right for real because I will have time to cook and relax. Summer should be funnnn!!

Since the last post I have done few cf things (sorry, dedicated ones), but I have run another race: Walleye Weekend! I did 5 miles in 44:17. It was VERY hot and humid and I wanted to run sub 45, so I guess I met my goal. I could've done better without the injury as I was running closer to 42 this winter. The heat is good training for Mexico weather though. Going to do some serious training there!

Wednesday, June 4, 2008

Cindy on Steroids

AMRAP in 15 min
3 pullups
12 pushups
21 squats

8 rounds plus 3 pullups, 12 pushups, 4 squats

yeah...that felt good.

Tuesday, June 3, 2008

2 mi jog

flare of the darn pf again...don't know why.

RICE baby! Wear that night cast.

Sunday, June 1, 2008

Lincoln Park Run for the Zoo

Considering the pf...and I haven't run consistently fo 6 weeks...

My goal was 27 min.

My actual chip time was 26:59. It doesn't get better than that as far as estimating time.

247 overall of 1271 (top 19%) I beat 81 % of the people overall.

15th in my division out of 170 (9%) I beat 91% of the ladies in my age group.

So I can't be too sad.