When it rains it pours...and I'm not referring to our weather!! I got caught up in the last few weeks of school and de-crossfitted if you will. Not on purpose, I just was up till midnight every night and couldn't get my buttsky out of bed. Like Katie sez, when you say 5 more minutes you've already lost...
That being said, I have been running more with less pain in the foot. Which is good because marathon training starts tomorrow!! I've decided that I am going to CF 3 days per week in the am with running in the pm or vice versa depending on temperature. I believe I will have access to the little gym at my school over the summer. Its somewhat removed from the main building and shouldn't be affected by the construction of the summer.
So to summarize, the summer program will be running on M, T, Th, F, Sat. Crossfit M, W, F. Maybe some swimming or biking on Wed as well. Sundays are fundays. I am also going to do this darn eating right for real because I will have time to cook and relax. Summer should be funnnn!!
Since the last post I have done few cf things (sorry, dedicated ones), but I have run another race: Walleye Weekend! I did 5 miles in 44:17. It was VERY hot and humid and I wanted to run sub 45, so I guess I met my goal. I could've done better without the injury as I was running closer to 42 this winter. The heat is good training for Mexico weather though. Going to do some serious training there!