Monday, January 28, 2008

Cindy (again)

12 min for as many rounds as possible:
3 jumping pullups
4 push ups
7 squats

14 rounds plus 3 jp, 4pu

Compare to January 9th

A bit better than the last time that I did this. There were construction guys in the gym, so I was a bit timid about working out (I have issues with doing the jumping pullups in front of anyone NOT working out). It was funny though when the guys started asking me questions about halfway through. They seemed kinda impressed, which made me glad that I did it, in spite of them being there. They were really impressed that I run a lot. Except now. Because I can't. BOOOOO!

Sunday, January 27, 2008

Walking the dog

I'm having issues and so I am sidelined from running for now, so today I took the doggy dog for a walk. We went 3 miles in the slushy snow. When we got to the park, Lucy thought it was great to run as fast as she could when I would pretend to chase her. Since I can't run, I was at least able to get out and enjoy some time with my dog, and work her out as well.

Thursday, January 24, 2008

Not Al Dente

Todays WOD: Tanya (oh thanks Paul for the death defying namesake workout)
3 rounds 15-12-9
45# Sumo high deadlift
Dips (feet up)
Jumping pullups
45# Push press

in 29:32

I truly feel like a plate of overcooked spaghetti right now. Those push presses were really tough as was the whole dang thing.

Wednesday, January 23, 2008

That's right, your teacher is tougher than you!

Yesterday in the hall outside my classroom, Paul was holding track practice. I jokingly told one of the students, Kim, to get down and give me 10 (pushups). She gave 1/2. Then Luis, the child who insists that the Bears are better than the Packers was performing his usual heckling antics, so I told him to give me 10. He did and insisted that I do the same. So after school, there I am, in the hallway doing 10 pushups in front of 20 or so kids (with, I might add, my sore arms from yesterday). They were impressed, it was hilarious! One kid was even like, "Whoa, Ms. Ayala!".

Of course, it felt great. Thanks Crossfit!

Tuesday, January 22, 2008

It never gets easier!

Todays WOD:
12 min as many rounds as possible:
3 handstand pushups
6 jumping pullups
9 walking lunges

I did 7 rounds plus 3 hspu, 6 jpu, and 7 wlunges

Monday, January 21, 2008

Happy MLK Jr. Day!

I have off, and guess what!!! I am taking the day off of working out! I took a nap instead. I feel fully justified and not guilty of taking some rest, even though I should've probably taken the extra time to do a jog on my treadmill.

That's alright, back to the grind tomorrow!

P.S. Down 6.8 lbs since the beginning of January. Whoopee!

Sunday, January 20, 2008

2 EZ

Two easy miles on my treadmill...uneventful except that my I-pod chip quit keeping time. The second one! It only had 177 miles on it, so I'm ticked about that.

And then GRRRRRR Packers. Given every opportunity IN THE WORLD. Guess the Super Bowl wasn't on their wish list. BOOOOOO!

Saturday, January 19, 2008

5+ and the Terrible Twenty

Its below zero, so I decided to turn Saturday into a weekend warrior workout.

Run: 5+ miles (I forgot to re-turn on the I-pod, so it is closer to 6 mi or a bit over according to my treadmill). I hate running on the treadmill. I entertained myself by watching the "Girls Next Door" workout videos On Demand. It was hilarious. They are hilarious.

Then the "Terrible Twenty"

20 Box jump (10 in)
20 Push ups (substitute for pullups)
20 kettlebell swings (2 12lb dumbbells)
20 step walk lunge
20 stability ball situps
20 push press (40 lbs)
20 back extensions
20 wall ball shots (8lb)
20 burpees
20 jumprope jumps

Total time: 24:40

There was a lot of rest with the push press and the burpees, as well as a bit with the pushups. I think I'm still sore from all the pullups this week. Glad I did both though.

Thursday, January 17, 2008


5 sets max out
jumping pullups 8-10-8-6-4
Pushups 8-8-7-7-6

Its pretty funny on the pushups when I try with all my might, move about 4 inches, and then can't move anymore. I laugh each time. Paul probably thinks I'm a weirdo.

Wednesday, January 16, 2008

Modified Cindy

I didn't do the 5K run but I still wanted to lift. Saving the "filthy fifty" or in my case, the "terrible twenty" for the weekend, so I made up my own workout

12 min
3 jumping pullups
4 pushups
7 sit ups (on stability ball)
9 squats

10 rounds plus 3 pullups

Monday, January 14, 2008


deadlift 55 lb (need to do 65 next time and work on form)
handstand pushups modified

Pull up death: 1 pull up minute 1, 2 pullups min 2, 3 pullups min 3, etc. until failure

4 rounds plus 3 pullups

These are jumping pullups where I control the downward motion since I cannot do regular pullups...yet

Sunday, January 13, 2008

2 miles

Today was an off day so I just ran 2 miles. I did the first mile with Lucy. Had to get her out in the neighborhood. It was a sniffer mile so we stopped a few times briefly.

Total time was a little more than 18 min. I did the 2nd mile by myself considerably faster, but not as fun as it was with the Goose.

Saturday, January 12, 2008

7 mi on the lake with Amy

7 mi today with Amy. Avg pace 8:54 mile. Amy did her own version of repeats so did a bit further. I am definitely a lot slower than her, but it was fun to run together. I'm glad I'm keeping up with my running over the winter.

Friday, January 11, 2008


Todays workout was fun.

800 m run
15 back extensions
25 sit ups

I did the back extensions and the sit ups on the stability ball. Paul and I ran around the school for our 800 m run. I love seeing the expression on the kids faces when they realize their teachers are doing laps at 7:15 in the morning. We were doing an average of a 7:57 pace which is fast for me...and good that I can do it!

Thursday, January 10, 2008

Jog Walk

I didn't go to Niketown tonight because of the rain. It would do me no good to lower my immune system and possibly get sick due to running in rain. I have way too much going on right now.

So I ran on my tready and watched "Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants". I fast walked during commercials, since I haven't felt good all week. It took me 58 min to do 5.2 mi, and that's ok. I enjoyed myself.

I forgot to mention Tuesday that I lost 3.2 lbs since Jan 1st. Its all about eating right and keeping up with the exercise.

Wednesday, January 9, 2008

Cindy knows best

Puppies: 3 pull ups (Jumping), 4 push ups, 7 squats. Repeat as many times as possible in 12 min. I did 14 rounds plus 3 additional pullups.

This sounded so easy. It was insanely hard. And I LOVED IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Monday, January 7, 2008

Squat Squat Squat

Crossfit: Front squats. 1 rep for max 10 times
Weight: 65-65-75-75-85-85-90-90-95-100

My first time doing front squats. These babies are waay tougher than back squats. Its this whole balancing act on your front shoulder area. Once I figured it out, I was able to go up in weight, but I didn't want to go too high at this point.

One week into commitment 2008 and I am doing pretty good. Have been eating healthy every day. Did have a swiss cake roll pkg today because I thought we had Spanish class (we didn't), but I did take the dog for a 45 min walk to the park so that should negate some of those calories. At any rate, its the best eating week I've had in a long long time. We shall see what the scale says about that tomorrow.

Sunday, January 6, 2008

50 and 6!

It was great weather in Chicago today: 50's! Cloudy and windy...but 50's!! I ran 6 mi with my run buddy Marisa in 54:32. Almost dead on 9 min miles. Marisa is doing great considering she hasn't run but twice in the past 3 weeks. YOU GO GIRL!!!!

Saturday, January 5, 2008

Tabata Something Else

4 rounds of 20 seconds on/10 seconds off pullups, pushups, situps, and squats. I went with the puppy rx and I like it. Buttercup is too easy, and I'm not quite running with the pack.

Pullups (assisted): 8 9 7 5
Pushups (real!!): 9 6 6 4(ok the last 4 were girl pushups)
Situps: 20 21 22 21
Squats: 21 18 19 20

You need to check out crossfit!

Friday, January 4, 2008

Rest day

2 mile jog on the treadmill. Why is 2 miles on the tready so much harder than 5 mi on pavement in a wind that makes it 0 deg????

Thursday, January 3, 2008


Crossfit: 40 assisted pullups and 40 bench dips. Did 5 of each for 8 sets. I wish I could do pullups better. I'm working on it.

Running: After much debate with my fellow runners, went and did 5 mi in 42:44. Ran with my faster friends and thought I was going to collapse going into the wind (asthma issue). Not a problem when I turned around until the last quarter mile that was into the wind again. Thanks Matt and Amy for slowing up just a bit with me!

Karma works in good ways as well: I found a parking spot downtown with a broken meter! I gave my meter change to a homeless man instead. When I returned to my car, there was no ticket to contest! How fabulous.

I did have one beer after the run but ate really healthy (well, except maybe the dessert...but that was little!).

Wednesday, January 2, 2008


Well, yesterday turned into an off-day for workout due to the need for more sleep. I did eat healthy both yesterday and today. I am keeping my food journal in a little brown leather journal I purchased, for now. What's on the internet stays on the internet, so I'm not hot to post weight, or measurements, although I did take them and write them down in lil' brown.

4.11 mi in 43:31--due to the fact that I HATE running on the treadmill and I go slower because I detest it. I am glad its there though so I can still run even on miserable days such as these. I usually run 5 miles outside in less than this amount of time. Little ankle twinge afterwards, I'm not sure why. Hopefully it will be gone so I can run tomorrow.