Thursday, July 17, 2008

Holy Hell

I've been slacking in the Crossfit department. There is NO excuse. This seems to be a theme in my posting lately.

Back in town from my field geology trip (aka my 7 am till 10 pm job for the past 20 days). It was hard enough to fit in enough runs to ensure I'm training for a marathon, so CF got the boot. I was actually home on Monday, but spent the past 3 days doing JS.

I paid for it today.

AMRAP in 15 min
15 pushups
12 bench dips
9 push press 24lbs

I hit a "glorious" 5 rounds. And my arms feel like they're on fire. It is what I deserve, nothing less! Gotta get back someday. I was feeling the call of CF. It really likes to haunt you.

A training run tonight. It is a good thing the Yucatan was mid-90's with extreme humidity so I'm all ready for that.

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