Saturday, July 19, 2008


I awoke this morning in a befuddled state and saw a flash while heading towards the bathroom. I thought it was our Sonicare toothbrush (it flashes like that when charging, though probably not so intense, I suppose)--until I heard the BOOM.

Boo. Huge thunderstorm with sheets of rain. I texted Ken and he said that no, it wasn't cancelled, so off to my run I went, secretly hoping it would be canceled. I'm fine with running in a light rain (its actuallly one of my favorite running conditions), but I don't want to die by lightning strike.

When I arrived, people were walking up with umbrellas, postponing the inevitable. I thought it was funny. I had considered taking mine, but guess what folks, we're going to get wet! Got my new shoes, which was a good thing.

So my little group of 10 or so took off for our 12 mile jaunt. It really was a pleasant run, amongst the sudden downpours between steady rain for the whole run. We were leaping puddles (hence the steeplechase) even after our feet were soaked. I think its psychological. You don't want to step fully down into the puddle. After all, my feet were soaked but not SQUOOSHY...a new marketing term for Nike rain running...SQUOOSH! Jessica and I, in our white pace leader shirts, as well as a bunch of our fellow runner girls, also in white shirts (at least they had a choice, we didn't...) were all soaked to the bone in some perverse wet t-shirt contest. Jessica had said I should name this entry the titty titty run due to all the nippin out, but that may have brought some undesireables to read the blog. They might get off on thrusters as well...

My foot didn't hurt until after 9 miles, which is good, I guess. I just need PT hopefully.

Distance: 12 miles
Time: 1hr 59 min 19 sec

How's that for an almost dead on 10 minute pace?

1 comment:

Katie said...

That's awesome pacing! Great work hon! I miss you!