Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Update and Trevor Win'E Memorial Challenge

Ok so I have been working out, just not blogging!
I did a crossfit thing last week: 25 pushups, 25 sdlhp with 45 lbs, 30 dips, 20 pullups, 10 hspu
2 runs: 3 mi and 4 mi (both relatively pain free--went to PT, must keep stretching).
I ran 2 miles early and then did Trevor yesterday...
300 pullups
400 pushups
500 situps
600 squats
time: 43:11
I will let the pictures paint the story as I tell it.

Note the sweaty pit. HOT!

You will notice my hat...

The brim kept hitting the mat, so it had to go. Time for HOT hair to go with sweaty pits.

Note the sweaty back!
The Teacher Team, (L to R Scott, Chatty, Tanya, Paul) is Finished! Look how buff we are!!

Friday, May 16, 2008


12 min AMRAP

3 pullups
5 pushups
7 squats

15 rounds.

Seriously I am dying after this.

Stopped a few grounders at 2nd base. Added to sore arms!

Thursday, May 15, 2008

2 mi run

Stupid foot. I'm calling the Doctor on Monday. Gotta get this rehabbed for marathon season, its just around the corner!

Monday, May 12, 2008


40lb thrusters (20 ea arm)
jumping pullups


Oh Franny franny fran...how you spank me!

Friday, May 9, 2008

Elizabeth and the humanity of chickens

21-15-9 reps cleans 45 lbs
21-15-9 reps dips (x1.5 for bench dips)


My clean form is still not fantastic...I need to do some more work with Paul. It feels good to be back to crossfitting again. Have softball again tonight, hopefully it won't get rained out!

I'm in a better mood today, due to my run, I'm sure of it. I also had some good things happen. Ms. Kelly at my school is such an upbeat person. She is great at affirmation. As teachers, we are like banks from which withdrawals are constant. Maybe more like a Federal Reserve than a bank, since we can sustain A LOT of withdrawals before we start to feel the drain. Well, ironically, my trip to New Mexico, which seemed like a huge deposit, may have actually been a drain. After an awesome week with 10 terrific top students, it was hard coming back to the whining apathy that the rest of my students seemed to be showing. I had minimal patience, and the people I always feel sorry for are the students that do everything and don't complain. I will do some ranting to all the class and I always specifically apologize to those who do their work, not by name, though I hope they all know who they are. So this week was very hard, which is funny in a way, "Oh poor me I was on a trip all last week and my job sucks" doesn't really fly...and its not true (the sucking part) for the most part.

So this morning after Elizabeth I was determined to have a better day. We hatched chickens this week, and without fail, year after year, the students demonstrate their humanity in a way that is fulfilling. After a year of what seems like too much belittling each other and mockery, they let their true selves show through with the baby chicks. You can see who is the nurturer, the adventurer, and the student who is indifferent because they want to get their work done so they have no homework. They assign different roles to the chickens which are so human in nature. They all scream when the chick takes a poop (which is often). So that helped my spirit.

Our student newspaper came out today and there is a "Student of the Month" section. One student is selected from each grade 9-12. I have both the freshman and the senior students in my bio and hort classes, and they both said that that is their favorite class (along with another) because, to quote Nicole "my teachers are awesome" and Jackie "the classes are challenging and very artsy". The little deposits in the Federal Reserve that reap large benefits for me. Not to mention Ms. Kelly's story of her mother's funeral where a bride and groom showed up because the mom was the girl's kindergarden teacher. They stopped at the funeral home between the wedding and the reception. What an honor to know that that woman made such an impact in a child's life.

I have wanted to make a folder of "feel goodys" but never have over the years. I am going to start today with those student of the month clippings because I think its a good idea to have that to remind myself during the rough times.

Thursday, May 8, 2008

3 mi run and thoughts on teaching

I've been resting that foot. That bad bad foot. I decided to go for 3 miles today and it was ok. I could feel the foot at times during the run, although it didn't hurt nearly as much as 2 weeks ago. I iced it when I go home to be safe. I also finally ordered some items to help stretch it to aid the healing process. I hope the night split works. I really need to get back to running. It really shapes my attitude and my view on life. I couldn't possibly be a teacher without running. These past three weeks have confirmed that. Especially this week. Its the time of year where the students don't want to work and I don't want to work. The difference is that I recognize I don't want to work, acknowledge it, and work through it. The students say "nah I don't feel like working" and don't work. Its frustrating and you don't really feel like you are making a difference. Sometimes I feel like I work so hard and its for nothing since you don't see immediate rewards. Running helps to alleviate that pain.

Tuesday, May 6, 2008

25 burpees


That's all I have to say about that.

Monday, May 5, 2008

Modified Murph

So last week I didn't do any posting...sorry! New Mexico left me no time except to dash off a few emails. now that I'm back in the land of a million computers and the time to waste on them, I will provide some updates. I hiked like crazy last week, so that was the majority of my workouts. We walked everywhere all day. It was a total workout week! My ode to crossfit was 20 pushups in box canyon.

This week is a new week however. I started today with a modified Murph:

For time: 1/2 mile run
35 push press 24 lbs
70 pushups
120 crunches on stability ball
120 squats
1/2 mile run

Now not all my pushups were full pushups, they became modified, but I still worked. The running hurt my left foot still, though the pain was after and not during running, so I will stick with resting my foot. I ordered a pull up bar for my house so I can do a proper Murph next time round.