Tuesday, July 29, 2008


Warm up:

PT exercises per side:
1) 3 sets of 15 reps hip abductions on edge of couch so upper leg can drop lower than the couch
2) 3 sets 10 reps of side pillar bridge
3) sets 30 seconds hip flexor stretch
4)3 sets 30 sec IT band stretch standing
5)30 reps of IT roll on foam roller
6)3 sets 30 seconds of stretching gastroc
7)3 sets of 30 seconds of stretching soleus
8)Rolling on TP roller, both calves

Followed by:
3 rounds of

400 m run
15 dumbbell swings (24 lbs)
9 pullups


Oh the way I can sweat doing crossfit doesn't compare to anything else I can do. The PT exercises can also be a bit sweat inducing, especially those pillar side bridges. Ouch!

1 comment:

Katie said...

Nice work. Helen is a sneaky gasser!