Saturday, January 19, 2008

5+ and the Terrible Twenty

Its below zero, so I decided to turn Saturday into a weekend warrior workout.

Run: 5+ miles (I forgot to re-turn on the I-pod, so it is closer to 6 mi or a bit over according to my treadmill). I hate running on the treadmill. I entertained myself by watching the "Girls Next Door" workout videos On Demand. It was hilarious. They are hilarious.

Then the "Terrible Twenty"

20 Box jump (10 in)
20 Push ups (substitute for pullups)
20 kettlebell swings (2 12lb dumbbells)
20 step walk lunge
20 stability ball situps
20 push press (40 lbs)
20 back extensions
20 wall ball shots (8lb)
20 burpees
20 jumprope jumps

Total time: 24:40

There was a lot of rest with the push press and the burpees, as well as a bit with the pushups. I think I'm still sore from all the pullups this week. Glad I did both though.

1 comment:

Mr. Mirek said...

Yep! You have earned "warrior" status! Congratulations!