Tuesday, March 11, 2008

I've got friends in different places

In following Katie's lead, I have started my thread with a song to the tune of "I've got friends in lowly places". (Do you like that first name shout out K?? Did it make you smile??)

So its funny how life can bring you new friends. I have developed two new groups of "friends" in the past 6 months. While I am gregarious, it is still hard to make new friends at this time in life, for some reason. Too much work and too few social events perhaps??

Group 1: My Nike friends. And yes, I actually call them my Nike friends. Ken, Matt, Daniela, and John are the regulars. There's also Jackie, Lynn, Jessica, Maria, Danny, Michael, and so many others. Amy doesn't really count as a Nike friend since we've been friends for almost 8 years, well before Nike. Neither does Marisa, who I've known for what...5 years now?? This group of friends was due to my participation on the Nike Southside marathon team which has turned into a regular Thursday social event. It has also kept me running through this insanely cold and snowy winter (except Feb, which wasn't my fault). They are ALL faster than me, and this has helped me pick up my speed. Perhaps some day I shall BQ...

Group 2: My Crossfit friends. The only one I actually see on a daily basis is Paul. He has the pleasure of having a room across from me and pirating fruit snacks from me every chance he gets. Its like crack for crossfitters. We work out at "Crossfit Hancock", our little gym in our school. Then there is Brad and Katie, my blog readers and commenters. Hooray! (I like that word).

So it is dorky the small pleasure I get from reading my comments on the blog and making comments as well, but its fun! And it gives me a purpose for procrastination. When at this point I should be sleeping...

So instead of doing yoga, I packed for my vacation this upcoming week.... *sigh* life is tough...though I shall crossfit tomorrow AM and run tomorrow PM, if I'm not too tired from my meeting.


Katie said...

I love shoutouts! They make me happy... tough feat considering that Beowulf just kicked my @ss! You want a good CrossFit with some running? This one will do you in... ;)

Brad said...


You people are truly part of my motivation.