Monday, March 10, 2008

Lynne and Shamrocking


5 rounds of max pullups max pushups

Ok, I am not sure how to get to max pullup when I do a jumping pullup and work the reverse. I count it as when I can't control the reverse anymore. Is this right? I don't know. Is this working out some muscles that need working out?? Absolutely!

Max Reps (pull/push)


The pushups are actually max because I get to the point where I can't push up anymore, I collapse and giggle at myself because its so ridiculous!! Better than 1/17/08 though which looked like this:


That was my morning. In the evening, I went for a run with the Nike Shamrock training program. We ran 4.25 mi in 36:42. Ran with Marisa, Michael, and his wife Grace. I was tired and heavy at the end of the run due to yesterday. Tomorrow is going to most likely be yoga...hooray!


Katie said...

I'm still so jealous of your running! And as for pushups, I can only do about 3/4 because about a month ago, we realized that my form was terrible and if I kept doing them that way I was probably going to break an elbow. So be proud of rocking out 9!

As for the dog, I would love one, but a.)realator says no, and b.)I don't think it would be fair because of how little I'm actually home. It's a nice thought though! I love dogs. :)

Brad said...

Nice work on Lynne!

I wouldn't worry about how to count the subs - just count them. You'll still be comparing apples to apples (until the subs aren't necessary). When I did the pushups on Lynne, I wussed on the first couple of rounds! You beat me!

Hey, where'd my link go?