Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Tommy V and incomplete speed repeats

So I got home from my Green Teacher Network meeting about 8 and was very tempted to stay planted on the couch. But I said, "Self, get up and work out that lazy butt" and I did. I got on the treadmill. Plan was 6*400 at a 5K pace (8min/mile) with a 1/2 mile warmup and cool down. Super. I was feeling great, just finished my 4th repeat, when the treadmill started to make a funny noise. Then the belt did something funky which made me lose my footing. Good thing it was during the recovery at a 9:30 pace rather than the 8 min pace. So BOO I was unable to finish my last 2 repeats though I would have if not for mechanical failure. 2.47 mi in 24:44 which is slow due to the included warmup time. Those last 2 repeats would've helped the time. The good news is that I have a warranty on the tready, so I will be calling those peeps in to take a look see. And loss of footing does not mean I fell. I do not fall while running, at least not for 5 years. And that was only one time.

The one time I fell, I was running in grass to avoid pavement and I did not see the water main thing sticking up. Next thing I knew I was spreadeagled through the air. I landed on pavement (of course) in front of 3 people (of course). I just got up and kept on jogging like nothing had happened. I waited until I was out of sight of the people to pick the gravel out of my road burns.

I digress. I did a modified Tommy V. then after my truncated run. Do you know how sad it is that the V stands for Valentine and he died the day before Valentine's Day? So these thrusters were for him.

3 sets with 40 lbs for thrusters

Thruster 12
Pushup 12 ( was more like 8 and 4 after the thrusters)
Thruster 9
Pushup 9(5-4)
Thruster 6
Pushup 6. I grunted through the last one. And boy are my arms tired.

Not to be outdone, I topped my thruster torte with some stability sit ups (50) and back extensions (20).

And in exciting news, I am signed up for a 4 mile race in Scottsdale AZ on Saturday afternoon at 4:30. Goal time: Sub 35 min. Wishful thinking: Closer to 32 min.

1 comment:

Katie said...

Running and then thrusters? Girl... dang. I need some of whatever you are taking! My legs stop working after running. :P Hope the race went well!