Friday, March 7, 2008

Commitment is the Key word...right???

It is true that life got a little difficult on me.

It is true that I had to take a month off of running. That messed with my head.

It is true that I stayed with Crossfit, but didn't put as much into it and didn't record.

It is true that none of this is an excuse!

So its March 7th. 7's are lucky for me (along with 3 and 13). And now I shall get back to recording. And I will give you the whole week in one post. Starting this weekend I willl start posting regularly.

A summary: I've been running again for 3 weeks as of tomorrow. I've logged about 33 miles in that time. My friend Marisa (see my marathon blog) is training for a half on April 4th in NYC, so I have designated myself as her long run trainer. We did 5 two weekends ago and 7.5 mi this past Sun. We're doing 8 this upcoming weekend.

I'm doing 2-3 weekday runs. Niketown on Thursday, of course, for 5 miles, and then a run or two on my own on Mon-Wed.

I have two races coming up: A St. Patrick's day 4 miler on Mar 15th in Scottsdale AZ and the Shamrock shuffle 8k in Chicago on March 30th. I am eyeing the Green Bay half marathon on May 18th, and I will decide by April 15th. Have to make sure that the ol' bones can handle it. Don't want to have to take time off of running.

Crossfit (this week, the other previous weeks are recorded in my "little book" which isn't here right now.

Wednesday 3-5


3 jumping pullups
4 pushups
7 squats
12 min = 12 rounds. I was slower than in the past due to two reasons. #1--I was feeling kinda lazy and #2--I did all full pushups for the first time for Cindy instead of having to drop my knees around round 8. So yay for that.

Friday 3-7

Terrible Twenty

20 box jump (2o in)
20 jumping pullups
20 walking lunges
20 dumbbell swing 25 lb
20 situps
20 pushpress 25 lb
20 back extensions
20 thrusters (with 15 lb bar)
20 burpees
20 jumprope jumps

time: 18:12

That was quite the workout to start the school day. I started with the wall ball shots but injured myself with my own fingernail (crossfit causes bleeding!), so I switched to the thrusters.

Yeah and I really need to go grocery shopping so I can start eating better again!


Mr. Mirek said...


Tanya said...

You know what??? Its infected, so there! I should've put on a bandaid.

In other news, I can barely move today. Sitting down is a questionable move at best!

Brad said...

Barely move...

That's it!

Welcome back!